REACH Leadership STEAM Academy is a tuition-free Charter School with open enrollment available to all students regardless of socio-economic, ethnic, special education eligibility, or racial background
How it Works

Open Enrollment for the 2025-26 school year has begun!
Information for the 2025-26 School Year:
SPACES ARE LIMITED. All new prospective student applications are processed until Open Enrollment ends on March 1, 2025. Once Open Enrollment closes, students will be placed in classes as long as spaces are available, otherwise, they will be waitlisted.
Note: Enrollment is processed by grade level. If space is available for all applicants in a particular grade level, entrants will be enrolled after the Open Enrollment deadline (March 1, 2025). Any subsequent applications will be placed on a waiting list. A lottery will be held for any grade levels that are oversubscribed (more students than seats available). Families in the lottery will be notified by email and postal service. You may also apply to be added to the current waitlist for 2024-25.

2024-25 Lottery Results & Waitlist
Lottery Information for the 2025-26 School Year:
REACH will hold an open lottery when more applications are received than there are seats available. Should a lottery become necessary, families will become notified. Any lotteries will take place on April 8, 2025 at 5 PM.
Admission Preferences During Open Enrollment
(December 1, 2024-March 1, 2025)
REACH gives priority one preference in admissions to pupils who are currently enrolled in Highland Elementary or to pupils who reside in the Highland Elementary School attendance areas, and priority two preference to those residing within RUSD boundaries.
REACH Leadership STEAM Academy is a tuition-free Charter School with open enrollment available to all students regardless of socio-economic, ethnic, special education eligibility, or racial background. REACH does not charge tuition, is non-sectarian in admission policies, programs, and all other operations, and does not discriminate against any student, parent, community member, or employee on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or disability.

If your child is awarded a spot, you will be notified via text, email and postal service. You will have a week to accept and register your child. Paper registration packets are available in the school office. You must register in person.
Please note:
You will also be required to bring the following documents at the time of registration:
- Your photo ID
- Child's birth certificate
- Child's immunization records
All immunizations must be up to date in order to complete registration. Go to the Shots for School website to see California Immunization Requirements for school entry.

Sign up for a Parent Info Session
Learn more about REACH at a group question and answer session followed by a campus tour. RSVP required.
Upcoming Parent Info Sessions
- Oct 15 @ 5 PM
- Nov 12 @ 5 PM
- Dec 10 @ 9 AM
- Jan 14 @ 9 AM, 5 PM
- Feb 11 @ 9 AM, 5 PM
- Mar 4 @ 9 AM, 5 PM
If accepted, sign up for a New Family Orientation Session
Dates and times TBA soon.
We believe that all students can succeed if given the proper tools. Our focus is to prepare students to be successful in college and help equip them with an education to meet the demands of a global society.
The foundation of our program at REACH is a STEAM-based, student-centered approach, utilizing whole brain teaching and project-based learning. Our discipline program is based on a Restorative Justice model. We also develop leadership skills in our students through the teaching of our six core values and our weekly leadership themes, so they may make a difference in their lives and beyond.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you filled it out online, you should receive an email after you submit it. If you did not receive an email after you hit the submit button, you may need to fill it out again. If you submitted via text, email, or in person, you should receive an email confirmation from our enrollment coordinator within 3-5 business days that your application has been received and processed.
The open enrollment period ends on March 1st. After that date, we will determine if we need to hold a lottery for any grade level and if that happens, we will notify all parents regarding the date and time of the lottery. If your child is not awarded a spot through the lottery or otherwise, they will be placed on a waiting list according to their lottery number. Families may still apply after the March 1st deadline, but they will be placed on a waiting list after the lottery occurs.
We will hold a lottery for any grade level where there are more applicants than spaces available. Lottery numbers are randomly assigned. Anyone who signs up during open enrollment is eligible to receive a lottery number. We give first preference to REACH Staff kids, then siblings of current REACH students, and then students who have proof of residence for living in the Highland Elementary School area. If we have to hold a lottery for any grade, the lottery will be pulled as follows:
#1 Priority: REACH Staff
#2 Priority: Siblings of current REACH students
#3 Priority: Students who live within Highland Elementary School boundaries (proof of residence is required.
#4 Priority: All other applicants
Other important information:
- Lottery info or enrollment offers are given a week before the scheduled lottery.
- The lottery will select for open spots and for the waitlist.
- Any offers will be good for 5 business days-- registration must be completed in that time frame to secure the spot. Forms may be filled out online or in person. A birth record, immunization records, and parent ID are required and must be submitted in person.
After every open enrollment/lottery, we will pull from the waitlist as spots open up through the following March. Periodically, as parents change jobs or move, or for other personal reasons, we will have drops that occur from now through June.
We will continue to pull from the waitlist for the remainder of this school year, but if your child is not accepted and you want to be eligible to enroll for the following school year, you must fill out a new application. Make sure to apply between December 1-March 1 to qualify for any lotteries.
Yes, if your child was given a spot but you did not accept, you must start the Pre-Enrollment process again.
Re-enrollment packets will be sent home at the beginning of 2025. You must turn them in by the deadline in order to secure your spot for next year.
Please inform the office during re-enrollment and you will be sent instructions for registration. Siblings of current REACH students receive sibling priority for any available spots in that grade level. If you turn it in or make a request after March 1st, we cannot guarantee that your child will have a priority spot. They may be placed on the waiting list.
No, there is no transfer paperwork necessary. If you have been offered a spot at REACH, please see your child’s current school for their withdrawal procedure. Also, you do not need to register with RUSD in order to enroll at REACH.
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