Lottery Process
Open Enrollment
Open enrollment for the 2024-25 school year ended on March 1, 2024. We are accepting late applications and applicants will be added to a waitlist after the lottery candidates. Apply here.
How the Lottery Process Works
REACH Leadership STEAM Academy holds a public lottery to determine applicant acceptance in all grades wherein more Student Lottery and Pre-Enrollment Forms are received than seats available.
Any lotteries for the 2025-26 school year will be held on April 8, 2025 at 5 PM. All applicants who apply between December 1 and March 1, are eligible to participate. If you are currently on the waitlist for 2024-25, you must reapply if you wish to be considered for 2025-26. The waitlist will not roll over. Lottery information will be sent out to the participants two weeks prior.
After Open Enrollment closes on March 1, 2025, all applicants who have completed a Student Lottery and Pre-Enrollment Form (and optional-- provided proof of residency) will receive information about the upcoming lottery.
For families with multiple siblings: If one sibling is accepted through the lottery process the 2nd sibling will be given priority. If space is available in the 2nd sibling's grade, they will be admitted. If no space is available they will be moved to the top of the waiting list.
All applicants who are accepted will receive notification via email, text, and voice notification. Registration and additional forms must be completed by the due date. Birth certificates, immunization records, and parent ID must be submitted by the parent/guardian. The person registering the student must be a legal guardian (It is recommended that parents make an appointment to submit these documents.)
Paper registration packets will be available in the office Monday-Friday 8 AM to 3:45 PM for individual students who are accepted into the program. If an in-person lottery is held, registration packets will be available at the lottery for those applicants who are accepted.
All forms must be completed and additional documentation submitted by the deadline or your acceptance into REACH Leadership STEAM Academy will be forfeited.
Lottery results will be published online within 24 hours of the lottery.
Admission Preference
REACH Leadership Academy gives a preference in admissions to pupils who are,
- Children of REACH staff members
- Siblings of current REACH students
- Pupils currently enrolled in Highland Elementary or who reside in the Highland ES attendance area.
- Pupils currently enrolled in an RUSD school or who reside in the RUSD attendance area.