Budget Forum Meetings (LCAP) 2024-2025
Join our forum meetings to review actions, services, and money for the next academic school year.
Budget Forum Dates (LCAP):
December 3, 2024 @6:00 pm via Zoom
March 18, 2025 (No meeting; survey will be sent to families via REACH’s communication platforms
May 18, 2025 @6:00 pm via Zoom (Concluding Meeting)
Join our forum meetings to review actions, services, and money for the next academic school year. Tell us where you want LCAP money to go!
"The LCAP is a three-year plan that describes the goals, actions, services, and expenditures to support positive student outcomes that address state and local priorities. The LCAP provides an opportunity for local educational agencies (LEAs) to share their stories of how, what, and why programs and services are selected to meet their local needs."
Read some frequently asked questions about Local Control and Accountability Plans on the California Department of Education website linked here.
Creating the Budget
The creation of the budget is an annual process in which the Executive Director seeks feedback from staff, department heads, and the school community. The input from the budget is consolidated into a budget proposal that highlights all expected revenue sources which include any federal, state, and local sources. The budget must be approved by the REACH Leadership STEAM Academy governing board, in conjecture with the Learning Continuity and Accountability Plan (LCAP) before submission to our authorizing district, Riverside Unified. The authorizing district will review the budget and assess the local education agency’s fiscal solvency and provide any recommendations.
Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF)
The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) drastically changed the method in which local education agencies in the state how schools are funded, established parameters on how schools would demonstrate results, and how they were meeting the needs of all students. Districts and local education agencies (LEAs) in the state of California have distributed funds based on the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). The LCFF calculator bases funding on the need of the district and local education agency, those that serve high-needs students receive more funds. High need students, low-income, students in foster care, and English language learners are identities as students that require additional academic and behavioral support to improve their student outcomes. Part of the LCFF takes into account an equitable stance on support.
CA School Dashboard
The CA School Dashboard is an accountability tool that allows the public to see how schools are meeting the needs of students based on state and local priorities. Dashboard data is just one of many tools that local education agencies can use to follow the academic progress of all students.
State Priorities: Chronic Absenteeism, Suspension Rate, English Learner Progress, English Language Arts, and Mathematics.
Local Priorities: Basic: Teachers, Instructional Materials, Facilities; Implementation of Academic Standards; Parent and Family Engagement; Local Climate Survey; and Access to a Broad Course of Study.
Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)
The Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) is a requirement that outlines the local educational agencies’ goals, actions, and resources to meet its program goals and improve outcomes for all students. The LCAP and budget must be board approved since both documents support each other.
LCAP Federal Addendum
The LCAP Federal Addendum Template must be completed and submitted to the California Department of Education (CDE) to apply for ESSA funding. LEAs are encouraged to review the contents of the LCAP Federal Addendum annually in conjunction with the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), as ESSA funding aligns with the strategic plan and budget justification listed in the LCAP. The LCAP Federal Addendum requires the LEA to address each provision for each program listed in the template unless the provision does not apply.
The conversations surrounding our LCAP
The LCAP process and document require the LEA to involve its stakeholders in creating and evaluating current goals, obtain recommendations, and help allocate concentration, supplemental, and other funding sources. The community is invited to participate via surveys, gatherings, and public comment during board meetings. Since much of the data found on the CA School Dashboard shapes our goals, the LEA is intentional in introducing and reiterating the importance of this tool to our teaching staff and parents.
We acknowledge the value of parent and community involvement. It is currently a goal in our LCAP to continuously bring parents and the community together to participate in the shared governance of school operations and student outcomes.
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