Dress Code

Dress Code FAQs
Students may continue to wear their previous uniforms, white button-down shirts, and navy or khaki bottoms through June 2025 if needed. (Navy jackets may be worn through June 2026.) The new dress code will not be enforced until August 2025.
For 2024-25: Khaki or navy pants/shorts/skirts/jumpers with the white button down shirts and khaki pants/shorts/skirts/jumpers with the black polos.
For 2025-26:
Khaki pants/shorts/skirts/jumpers only.
We appreciate the feedback from parents regarding the new dress code, specifically the khaki pants, and concerns related to young ladies starting their menstrual cycles. After careful consideration and review of data from our health office, we have determined that a revision to the dress code is not necessary at this time. However, we will continue to monitor the situation and reassess if any issues arise. Thank you for your input and understanding.
If students choose to wear the new uniform this year of black polos and khaki bottoms, the logo will not be required until August 2025.
We will let parents know soon if iron-on patches will be available for purchase. If not, we will provide instructions on how to get the logo added by Carrusel to any plain polos that you may have already purchased.
REACH will continue to provide uniform assistance for families who demonstrate a need. Assistance may also include covering the cost of affixing the school logo onto polo shirts. Parents/guardians may contact the office to request assistance.