Restorative Model at REACH

At REACH, the restorative model is used to shift the focus of discipline from punishment to prevention in order to build community. Every student has the right to be educated in a safe, respectful and welcoming environment. Every educator has the right to teach in an atmosphere free from disruption and obstacles that impede learning.

At REACH, we believe in fostering a positive and supportive learning environment where every scholar feels valued, respected, and heard. That's why we've adopted a restorative justice model for discipline, centered around building empathy, fostering dialogue, and empowering scholars to take ownership of their actions.

Unlike traditional punitive approaches, our restorative justice model focuses on understanding the root causes of behavior and repairing harm through meaningful dialogue and reconciliation. Rather than simply imposing consequences, we prioritize the restoration of relationships and the cultivation of empathy among scholars.

Central to our approach is the concept of dialogue circles, where scholars are encouraged to openly discuss their thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a safe and supportive space. During these circles, scholars have the opportunity to share their perspectives, express empathy for others, and collaboratively work towards resolution.

When consequences are necessary, they are determined through a collaborative process involving both scholars and staff members. Scholars are given the opportunity to weigh in on potential consequences, allowing them to have a voice in the decision-making process and take responsibility for their actions.

By incorporating restorative practices into our disciplinary framework, we not only address behavioral issues but also promote social-emotional learning, conflict resolution skills, and empathy development among scholars. Through dialogue, reflection, and accountability, we strive to create a school community where every scholar feels supported, respected, and empowered to grow and succeed.

If you suspect bullying, please click HERE.