Independent Study

What is the Independent Study Program?

The Independent Study Program is an opportunity for students to participate in classwork and homework while not actually being present at school. The director must approve the reason and dates of the Independent study. Acceptable Reasons:

  • Illness (more than just a common cold, e.i., the flu, contagious disease, surgery, serious injury).
  • Family Trips
  • Family emergencies
  • Death in Immediate family (Mom, Dad, Sibling, Any family member living in the household)

The dates start at a minimum of 3 days, the maximum is 15 days per school year. A student may go on independent studies multiple times in the school year as long as it does not exceed the 15 days per school year. If the reason exceeds the 15 day maximum, it must be approved by the Director and further options and paperwork may be discussed. 

Please note: In order to be eligible for Independent Studies, the scholar must be present the day prior to the start of their Independent Study Contract. 

If it is absolutely necessary for parents to keep their children out of school for five or more consecutive days, an Independent Study Contract must be completed.  A request should be made by parent(s) or guardian(s) at least three days prior to the absence so the teacher has ample time to prepare assignments for the student.  The contract will provide lessons to complete while that student is away from school so that he/she will not fall behind academically.

The student MUST complete the independent study packet, including parent/guardian signatures for each date out of school, prior to returning to REACH. Students returning to school with incomplete, or inadequate, work will be expected to complete all work within five (5) school days of their return to receive credit. Failure to return the independent study packet (in whole or in part) will result in the student’s absence marked as unexcused. No Exceptions. Otherwise, the student will not receive credit for assigned work, absences will be counted as truant, and the student could lose enrollment status.

Please note:  Short-term Independent Study shall not be issued for the first ten (10) days or for the last ten (10) days of a school year.